About Warren
Information About Warren that's just between us. Please don't share.

When I was eight, I taught myself how to develop film and make black & white prints. That’s when my passion for taking pictures began. While my friends aspired to become Deodorant Testers, Fortune Cookie Writers or Hipsters, I was the odd man out because none of my pals wanted to grow up or take pictures. They say your peers influence you. That's not good.
Point is, I knew way back then that I loved expressing/exposing/exorcising myself with a still camera. Is that so wrong? I don’t think so either. So after making it through High School (those reports of “If he would only apply himself” were so all the rage back then), I shuffled off to Hampshire College (Valedictorian) for my BA and then time traveled to Rhode Island School of Design to earn my MFA. Since then, I’ve been shooting. My camera is an appendage and has always annoyed my family. Do what you love!
I’ve been lucky in my career to have shot all kinds of products and people and to have shot all over the world for business and pleasure. I love making connections and capturing the essence of a subject and showing them in a truly human light. I hope that you like what you see on my site and hope that you’ll let me know what you think (please don't troll me), or better still, that you’ll ask me to shoot for you. I'm in California.
Everyone says my wife is a saint. What they are going on about escapes me. I have two grown sons and a daughter 'n law who don't loathe me so little else matters.
Thank you for reading this self-aggrandizing message. It will not self-destruct in ten seconds. If only it would.
p: 207.773.3771